Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in Review (Best & Worst)

so, i have done this two years running, my favorite songs/albums, books, movies, and tv of the year.

boring blog, but hey, it lets me know what i may not remember.



tough year for choices so i am doing a top 4 (or three, the first two are tied).

1. avatar
2. up
3. the princess and the frog (yep, deal)
4. star trek (great non-fan movie)

worst movie, easily, is transformers 2


album, no list, obviously for me it is:

backspacer, pearl jam

song, also off backspacer, "just breathe" OR "get some".


novels... top 10.

1. under the dome, king
2. jonathan strange and mr. norrel, clarke
3. the terror, simmons
4. drood, simmons
5. the strain, hogan/ del toro
6. the graveyard book, gaiman
7. the two towers, tolkien
8. prince of theives, hogan
9. oryx and crake, atwood
10. return of the king, tolkien

biggest disappointing novels:

1. death troopers, schreiber
2. the standoff, hogan
3. pygmy, palahniuk


toss up between, the strain, oryx, or the graveyard book.


short stories, top 3:

1. ur, king
2. the dream hunters, gaiman
3. creatures of the night, gaiman


that's it, happy new year :)

oh, and tv, house or lost.

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