Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 in Stories

everything i read this year.. best year ever for books. as with last year, this blog is for me.


1.Cujo- Good-B

2.Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell-Great-A

3S.The Curious Case of Benjamin Button-Good-B+

4.The Fellowship of the Ring-Blah-C

5.The Two Towers- Great-A

6.The Return of the King-Very Good-A-

7.The Children of Hurin-Great-A

8.The Silmarillion-UNFINISHED

9.Diary of a Wimpy Kid- (4/20-4/21)-Good-B

10.Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2 (4/21-4/22)-Good-B-

11.Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3 (4/22-4/23)-Ok-C+

12.Something Wicked This Was Comes (4/23-5/8)-Blah-D*

13.Of Mice and Men (5/8-5/9)-Great-A

14.Pygmy (5/9-5/15)-Good-B-

15.Outcast (5/15-5/18)-Great-A

16S.The Man Who Would Not Shake Hands (5/20)-Good-B-

17S.Beachworld (5/20)-Good-B

18S.The Reaper's Image (5/20)-Good-B+

19.The Terror (5/22-6/15)-Amazing-A+

20S.Mortality (6/5-6/6)-Good-B+

21S.Nona (6/16)-Very Good-A-

22S.Survivor's Type (6/16) -Good-B

23S.Uncle Otto's Truck (6/16)-Good-B+

24S.Morning Deliveries *Milkman #1)-(6/16)-Good-B

25S.Big Wheels: A Tale of the Laundry Game (Milkman #2)-(6/16)-Good-B+

26S.Gramma (6/17)-Great-A

27.The Pearl (6/17-6/18)-Great-A

28.Drood (6/18-7/10)-Amazing-A+

29NF.Silent Bob Speaks (6/27-7/4)-Good-B

30.Omen (7/11-7/13)-Good-B

31.Path of Destruction (7/13-7/21)-Good-B

32.Rule of Two (7/24-8/4)-Good-B+

33.Fragment (8/5-8/7)-Good-B+

34.The Strain (8/8-8/12)-Amazing-A+

35.Prince of Theives (8/15-8/22)-Great-A

36N.The Ballad of the Flexible Bullet (8/22-8/23)-Good-B

37S.The Reach (8/23)-Good-B

38S.Jerusalem's Lot (8/23-8/24)-Very Good-A-

39S.Graveyard Shift (8/24)-Good-B

40S.Night Surf (8/24)-Very Good-A-

41S.I Am the Doorway (8/24-8/25)-Good-B

42.Abyss (8/25-9/4)-Very Good-A-

43S.The Ladies of Grace Adieu (9/5-9/6)-Good-B-

44S.The Mangler (9/5-9/6)-Very Good-A-

45S.The Boogeyman (9/6)-Good-B-

46S.Gray Matter (9/7)-Ok-C

47S.Battlegorounds (9/8)-Ok-C+

48S.Trucks (9/10)-Good-B

49S.Sometimes They Come Back (9/9)-Good-B

50.The Standoff (9/12-10/6)-Good-B+

51S.The Ledge (10/6)-Good-B

52S.The Lawnmowerman (10/7)-Good-B-

53S.Strawberry Spring (10/6)-Ok-C+

54.Oryx and Crake (10/7-10/18)-Amazing-A+

55.I Am Legend (10/19-10/23)-Alright-C

56.Diary of a Wimpy Kid #4 (10/19-10/24)-Good-B

57.The Graveyard Book (10/24-10/27)-Amazing-A+

59.Stardust (10/27-11/01)-Good-B+

60.Death Troopers (11/02-11/06)-Alright-C+

61S.Premium Harmony (11/03)-Good-B

62G.Preludes & Nocturns (11/04-11/06)-Great-A

63.Coraline (11/05-11/07)-Very Good-B+

64N.The Dream Hunters (11/07-11/08)-Amazing-A+

65G.Violent Cases (11/07)-Very Good-B-

66G.Doll's House (11/07-11/09-Amazing-A+

67G.Marvel 1602 (11/09-11/12)-Very Good-B+

68.Under the Dome (11/13-12/04)-Amazing-A+

69G.The Comical Tragedy or the Tragical Comedy of Mr Punch (11/14-11/15)-Good-B-

70G.Superman for All Seasons (11/23-11/24)-Very Good-A

72G.Creatures of the Night (11/24)-Good-B+

73G.The Last Tempation (11/24-11/26)-Great-A

74G.Dream Country (11/26-11/28)-Alright-C+

75G.Seasons of Mist (12/04-12/07)-Great-A

76S.Quitter's Inc (12/07)-Very Good-B+

77.Odd and the Frost Giants (12/10)-Great-A

78.American Gods (12/10-

79N.Ur (12/27-12/30)-Amazing-A+


American Gods is what i am reading now.

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